Missing Project Subtype: Windows 8.1 & MonoGame 3.

2014-08-18  籽藤 

MonoGame是windows/windows Phone 游戏App开发的利器。

目前最新版本是Windows 8.1 & MonoGame 3.2;可是在VS2013(with Update3)创建Mono Content项目的时候,出现Missing Project SubType的问题。详情参见:http://monogame.codeplex.com/workitem/7831

其实早在2013年就有人提出这个问题,而得到的答复是“If you want it to not give you that error for windows, the best way is to uninstall WP8 sdk, Install WP7.1 ”,太窘了吧,居然要退回到旧版的sdk才能解决?


You may be wondering, why do I need Visual Studio 2010? There is a feature of XNA called the Content Pipeline, a pre-compiler step in the preparation of graphic and audio assets for use at runtime in XNA. This feature is not implemented in MonoGame. Therefore you need Visual Studio 2010 to pre-compile your game assets which you then copy over into your VS2012 project.

PS. 不同版本的Windows SDK可以安装在同一机器上,但是VS2013不支持WP7. Orz...


好在公司有同事玩过WP游戏开发,他建议我学习Unity3D. 好吧,既然大家都喜欢Unity3D,我也要找时间折腾看看:)

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