Unable to start the Genymotion virtual device

2015-04-20  籽藤 

Unable to start the Genymotion virtual device

不知是MacOs还是VirtualBox的更新问题,Genymotion在机器重启之后就不能用了。提示:Unable to connect to your virtual device! Genymotion will now stop. Check your VirtualBox network configuration.

很明显是ViutualBox的网络设置问题,所以调整Genymotion里面的设置没用。需要打开VirtualBox, go to menu File/Preferences menu, go to Network section, select Host-only Networks tab...不知为何我这里的Server address被改成了192.168.56.101,在我改回100之后,重启Genymotion就没问题了。

  • IPv4 address/netmask: (on Adapter tab)
  • DHCP server enabled checked (on DHCP server tab)
  • Server address/netmask:
  • Server lower/upper address:
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